3rd MinErAL Meeting - Cairns 2019

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Home Communications 3rd MinErAL Meeting - Cairns 2019

Mining activity in rural areas: permanencies ruptures and social tranformations of livelihoods in New Caledonia

Presentation made by Severine Bouard, researcher, Institut Agronomique Néo-Calédonien, Christine Demmer, CNRS Centre Norbert Elias, Mathilde Baritaud, student, Université de Bordeaux and Louise Decottigny, student, Université de la Sorbonne, MinErAL Network third annual meeting, Cairns 2019

Presentation of the MinErAL Network - Knowledge Network on Mining Encounters and Indigenous Sustainable Livelihoods:Cross-Perspectives from the Circumpolar North and Melanesia/Australia

Présentation faite par Thierry Rodon, Chercheur principal du réseau MinErAL, Département de science politique, Université Laval, 3e rencontre annuelle du réseau MinErAL, Cairns 2019

Presentation of the MinErAL Network - Knowledge Network on Mining Encounters and Indigenous Sustainable Livelihoods:Cross-Perspectives from the Circumpolar North and Melanesia/Australia

Presentation made by Thierry Rodon, Principal investigator of the MinErAL Network, Political science department, Laval University, MinErAL Network third annual meeting, Cairns 2019
